Albany Times-Union: A quicker transition to clean energy is crucial for state

Brad Hoylman & Heather Leibowitz

The presidency of Donald Trump poses the greatest environmental threat since the invention of the internal combustion engine.

Consider how dismissive the president-elect was about climate change during his campaign. He called it a hoax. He threatened to cancel the Paris climate accord. He vowed to gut the Environmental Protection Agency "in almost every form." And he pledged to dismantle the Clean Power Plan, the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's strategy to reduce carbon pollution.

However, our climate is governed by the laws of nature, not politics. No amount of contempt by the president-elect for current environmental policy can alter the fact that our planet is warming: 2016 has been hotter than any previous year in human history. The last time this record was broken? 2015. Before that? 2014.

Here in New York, we know that warming is not a hoax. We know that it is caused by burning dirty fuels. And we know exactly what to do about it — switch to clean energy. By transitioning our society away from unhealthy and climate-damaging fuels like coal, oil and gas — and instead using zero emission energy sources — we can put the brakes on climate change, and also make our communities more healthy.

Over the last decade, with bipartisan support, the nation has made astonishing progress on clean energy solutions. For example:

By the end of this year, there will be more than 60 times as many solar panels installed across the country as there were just a decade ago.

In the last decade, the amount of electricity we generate from wind increased tenfold.

Energy efficiency programs have kept New York's demand for electricity flat for more than a decade, even as our economy continues to grow.

How can New York protect itself from any anti-environmental excesses by the new Trump White House and Congress? Accelerate our transition to clean energy. What we have achieved so far is just the beginning of what is possible. The challenge now is to act faster. There are several important opportunities on the horizon:

First, New York can work to convince neighboring states to double the strength of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a nine-state program that limits carbon pollution from power plants. By cutting pollution at a rate of 5 percent per year, instead of the current rate of 2.5 percent, we can get more clean energy on the grid, faster.

New York can also ensure that the millions of dollars annually generated by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative go toward clean energy programs. Historically, the state has swept some of these proceeds toward unintended purposes — at worst to fund programs that hurt the environment. These funds need to be directed exclusively to programs that promote clean energy, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo can help lead the way.

Second, the New York Legislature can pass legislation to codify and strengthen the state's Climate Action Plan, which calls for an 80 percent reduction in carbon pollution by 2050. The Climate and Community Protection Act would improve upon these goals and make them law. The bill has a majority of Senate sponsors and broad support from environmental groups, but Senate leadership failed to bring the bill to the floor for a vote this year, while it easily passed the Assembly.

Third, the Legislature can stop voting to delay implementation of the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act, a law that limits dirty emissions from vehicles. This bill passed a decade ago, but has yet to be fully implemented.

Taking advantage of these opportunities will be good for our planet, good for our health, and good for our economy. Here in New York, we're proving that every day. For example, in Environment New York's latest report, Carbon Cutting Success Stories, we show how businesses in New York and across the region are capturing clean energy opportunities, from putting solar panels on rooftops to upgrading their efficiency — reducing pollution, protecting our climate, saving money and creating jobs. The more of this we do, the bigger the benefits.

With Washington threatening to undermine the momentum we've built on clean energy and protecting our climate, New York must act. Our leadership is more important now than ever before.

Heather Leibowitz is the director of Environment New York, a statewide environmental advocacy organization. State Sen. Brad Hoylman, D-Manhattan, represents the 27th Senate District and is ranking member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.