Senator Farley Advocates for "Kirby & Quigley's Law"

Senator Hugh T. Farley

 State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) joined other State representatives and numerous Montgomery County animal organizations in calling upon the Assembly Speaker to bring “Kirby & Quigley’s Law” to the Assembly floor for a vote.
“Kirby & Quigley’s Law” was named for two Montgomery County dogs that were shot and killed during a burglary in February that is still an unsolved case. The bi-partisan bill (S.2936/ A.1596) would strengthen “Buster’s Law”  by establishing a felony punishable with two years in jail and a $5,000 fine for harming a companion animal during the commission of another felony.
“As the co-sponsor of ‘Buster’s Law’ and having previously represented Montgomery County in the State Senate, I call on this legislation to pass the Assembly as it already has in the Senate with an overwhelming majority,” Senator Farley said.