Poughkeepsie Journal: Serino’s support for local agriculture industry noted

Gregg Pulver, Dutchess County Legislature

Serino’s support for local agriculture industry noted

Thank you to our state Sen. Sue Serino, R-Hyde Park, for her support of our local agricultural industry and for her leadership at the state level in ensuring that farming remains a priority.

With the average New York farm covering more than 200 acres and being an industry that employs tens of thousands of people, agriculture plays a critical role in our state’s economy. Before she even took state office, Sen. Serino was taking an active role in meeting with local farmers, advocates and legislative leaders to hear our concerns.

Sen. Serino was clearly listening during these meetings and has continued to lead on this important issue. Recently, Sen. Serino, along with a number of her colleagues in the state Senate, unveiled an extensive plan aimed at addressing some of the biggest issues farmers in our community face.

As a family farmer and county legislator, I appreciate the senator’s efforts to fight for additional resources for agriculture research, education and marketing, provide new tax and regulatory relief, advance initiatives to expand markets and promote quality and food safety.

I especially appreciate the plan’s focus on engaging veterans and younger members of the community, since encouraging young people and new farmers to make a career out of agriculture is critical to the future success of our industry.

I applaud these efforts from Sen. Serino and her colleagues, especially since it demonstrates a clear understanding of just how important farming and agriculture is to the economy of our local community and state.

Gregg Pulver

Dutchess County Legislator

Pine Plains

Click here to read the letter to the editor in the Poughkeepsie Journal.