State of Politics: Senate Democrats Push Gun Control Package

Originally published in State of Politics

Senate Democrats Push Gun Control Package

Democratic lawmakers in the state Senate Tuesday unveiled a package of gun control measures they say can build on recent efforts like the SAFE Act.

“There are things that are very, very good and have worked and we can’t just stop,” said Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins at a news conference.

The measures include proposals that would ban so-called undetectable firearms that cannot be seen by an x-ray or metal detector, strengthen background checks and allow the victims of gun violence to sue manufacturers.

“Studies have proven that states like New York with stronger firearm safety laws have fewer gun caused deaths,” Stewart-Cousins said. “We should be an example to the nation and frankly we should be an example to the nation.”

Another measure would allow the courts to seize firearms of those who are deemed to be a danger to themselves or people around them.

“This allows people to be proactive and it’s intended to be designed such that you may seek an order for somebody you care about to protect,” said Sen. Brian Kavanagh.

And the lawmakers want to ban the possession of bump stocks, a device that was believed to have been used in the Las Vegas mass shooting last year.

“The scary truth is that bump stocks while illegal to use in New York are legal to possess, to purchase and to transport,” said Sen. Brad Hoylman.

But Republicans in the state Senate are skeptical of bans on devices like ban stocks and similar gun control legislation that say is a step too far. Republican Senator Robert Ortt last month said the GOP conference was yet to discuss a bump stock ban.

“The issue is because of the mistrust, the feeling is always this is the first shoe or this is the foot in the door to further limit gun ownership,” Ortt said.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo this year has proposed a gun control bill that would expand the seizure of guns for those convicted of domestic violence.

This entry was posted by Nick Reisman on February 6, 2018 at 5:29 pm, and is filed under Democrats, State Senate.