Electeds object to city’s plan to move forward with planning for Sunnyside Yards development

Bill Parry

Originally published in Times-Ledger

Elected officials in western Queens are united in staunch opposition to the de Blasio administra­tion’s plan to build a deck over much of the 180-acre Sunnyside Yard and construct a small city with 24,000 apartments at a cost of $19 billion.

State Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria) has watched the unprecedented development in Long Island City and is concerned with the lack of infrastructure.

“Western Queens is home to New York’s fastest growing neighborhoods and our infrastructure is already stretched to its limits,” Gianaris said. “I will not endorse any proposal for development at Sunnyside Yards that is not supported by the community and fails to include improvements for mass transit, schools parks, and other community needs.”

To read more, click here: https://bit.ly/2KPGAut.