Wright, Montgomery Pressure Cuomo To Sign Legislation Crucial To Bed-Stuy Homeowners
As increasingly gentrified neighborhoods like Bedford-Stuyvesant encounter more developers buying and renovating brownstones, longtime residents in the adjoining brownstones are finding water leaks and cracking walls due to the construction work next door.
Which is why State Senator Velmanette Montgomery (D-Bedford-Stuyvesant, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Boerum Hill, Sunset Park) and Assemblywoman Tremaine Wright (D-Bedford-Stuyvesant, Northern Crown Heights) are calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to sign off on their Adjoining Construction Notification Bill (S4519-A / A5823-B).
The bill would require the City’s Department of Buildings (DOB) to provide written notification to adjoining property owners when an application for approval of construction is submitted to the DOB.
To read the full story, visit: https://www.kingscountypolitics.com/wright-montgomery-presssure-cuomo-to-sign-legislation-crucial-to-bed-stuy-homeowners/