Brooklyn’s Largest Park in Desperate Need of Renovations Finally Secures Money

MARINE PARK – The city, the state, and the borough have all worked together to secure a total of $11.1 million to renovate Marine Park.
The 798-acre park, which stretches from Shore Parkway to Avenue U to Fillmore Ave., between Brigham St., Gerritsen Ave., and Flatbush Ave, is Brooklyn’s largest park. It includes the Salt Marsh Nature Trail, cricket fields, a baseball diamond, and several playgrounds. According to community members and elected officials at Marine Park this cold afternoon, it is in dire need of repairs.
“There’s been discussion around making sure that we keep this park the crown jewel that we know it is and always should be,” State Senator Andrew Gounardes said. “This is a project that is way overdue. This is making sure that New York State and NYC keep our commitment to the people of this community and provide a park that every single person can be damn proud of.”
Gounardes’ office secured a $5.6 million grant from the State of NY to rebuild and re-do the playground on Fillmore Avenue and Madison Place from scratch. Council Member Alan Maisel also secured funding from the NYC Council for $4.5 million to completely repair the inner oval of the park.
“This park probably attracts 5,000 people every week during the summer months. And it’s not people who live in this general area,” Maisel said. “People come from all over. From North Brooklyn, South Brooklyn, Staten Island.”
He noted that even with this money, there is more to be done.
“We still need money for a number of other things. I’m very confident having spoken to the Mayor and Speaker Corey Johnson that there will be more money available for us when the budget process begins in January,” he said. “By next June, I’m confident that we will have most of the money that we need to bring this park into the best shape it has been for many years.”
In addition to that money, Borough President Eric Adams’ office will be putting $1 million into the fiscal year 2021 capital plan.
“Parks really are the great equalizers in our communities. They are something that no matter what your background, what your income level, where you come from, where you’re going; it’s something where you come in and everyone is on the same playing field,” Stefan Ringel from Adams’ office said.
“Marine Park, even though it’s Brooklyn’s largest park by acres, is still a hidden gem that we have not fully tapped into… These parks need our tender love and care. And for better or worst, that comes in the form of dollars.”
Construction for both repairing the inner oval and the playground will begin in 2020.