Lenape playground clean up a success

Andrew Gounardes

Originally published in Brooklyn Reporter

MARINE PARK — State Senator Andrew Gounardes and Marine Park Alliance, in conjunction with the NYC Parks Department, held a successful community clean up of Lenape Playground on Saturday morning, October 12, with more than 100 people in attendance. The volunteers painted, pruned, mulched and cleaned to beautify the playground for children to enjoy. The event was part of the Senator’s 3 for Community initiative to promote volunteerism by having community members commit to three acts of service per week. Starbucks provided free refreshments.

“What a great morning! This is the second community clean up of Lenape Playground I’ve held, and I’m consistently floored by the spirit and camaraderie of our Marine Park community. I’m glad we made the park a little bit better for the children who play here and the families who use it, though there’s still much more to do. Thanks to the Marine Park Alliance for working with us to hold this event and Starbucks for providing free refreshments. Acts of service, large and small, truly do bring us together and strengthen our neighborhoods,” said State Senator Andrew Gounardes.

“Marine Park Alliance is committed to making the whole park a better place. Every two weeks we hold large volunteer events like this one whether it’s at the boat launch, the salt marsh trail, the bocce courts, or entrance gardens. Last month and today we tackled playgrounds and next month we will be along the Gerritsen Avenue fence lines. This park is so big — Brooklyn’s largest at 798 acres — that we need a small army to care for it and really make a difference. Parks Department has some dedicated professional staff here, but it’s never enough, so we partner with groups that have a strong civic or environmental commitment. 

“Today we are so honored to have Senator Gounardes lead the charge. He has been to the park numerous times and for today he’s attracted the corporate help of Starbucks and their volunteers. Our long time partners also here today are New York Road Runners, the Salt Marsh Alliance, and the Leos Club which bring a crew of teenagers. For this event Marine Park Community Association, Madison-Marine-Homecrest Civic and City Parks Foundation helped purchase the daffodil bulbs…and that’s how we make Marine Park‘s army!” said Maria D’Alessandro, Chairperson of Marine Park Alliance.