Lawmakers Ask Albany to Get Tough on BWI Offenders
A group of lawmakers say a plague of drunk boating crashes has destroyed numerous Long Island families.
On Monday, they asked Albany to put more teeth into crime deterrents, making boating while intoxicated with a child on board a felony and revoking boaters’ drivers’ licenses, CBS2’s Jennifer McLogan reported.
It has been an especially brutal summer on Long Island’s waterways — vulnerable boaters in sailboats, dinghies, kayaks, inflatables and more. There have been multiple victims of careless, reckless and drunk powerboat drivers.
State Sen. Jim Gaughran of Long Island said Monday he has an idea to combat the problem.
“Today, I am introducing a bill similar to Leandra’s Law,” Gaughran said.
It’s a bipartisan plan in Albany to save lives on the water.
“It will make it a felony if you are boating while intoxicated with a child on the boat,” Gaughran said.
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