LI Senate Dems oppose Cuomo-de Blasio congestion pricing plan

Yancey Roy with Newsday

Originally published in Newsday

The Long Island Senate Democratic delegation said Wednesday it cannot support a congestion pricing plan as currently crafted by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The six-member delegation cited “troubling concerns” with the proposal the governor and mayor unveiled a day earlier. They said they support congestion pricing conceptually, but that the plan must be changed because it:

Channels funding “heavily, if not exclusively” to the subway system at the expense of the Long Island Rail Road. They said any congestion pricing plan must dedicate some funding to LIRR infrastructure.
Fails to exempt drivers who travel to Manhattan via the RFK Bridge, meaning those drivers would “pay a double toll”: for crossing the bridge and entering the congestion pricing zone.
Fails to include rider representatives from Long Island and New York’s northern suburbs on the Capital Review Committee, which would review infrastructure proposals.

The letter was signed by State Sens. John Brooks (D-Seaford), Jim Gaughran (D-Huntington), Anna Kaplan (D-Great Neck), Todd Kaminsky (D-Long Beach), Monica Martinez (D-Brentwood) and Kevin Thomas (D-Levittown).

"We cannot support the proposal in its current state and are happy to meet with any party to address these concerns. We remain ready to help craft a formula that Long Island commuters will find advantageous," the senators said in the statement. They added they were "generally supportive" of reducing Manhattan traffic congestion.

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