State Lawmakers Approve

Connor Beach

Originally published in Long Islander News

New York State lawmakers passed Tuesday a series of bills to strengthen the state’s gun control regulations.

The legislative package easily passed the Assembly, long a Democratic stronghold, and also garnered a sizable majority in the Senate, where Democrats regained control earlier this month.

The gun control legislation was the first to pass both houses of the legislature since 2013, when the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act was approved weeks after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

“Last year young people across the country mobilized in a transformative movement to march for their lives,” Senator Jim Gaughran (D- Northport) said. “It shouldn't take a tragedy to spur action.”

Gaughran, who supported the legislation, was joined on the Senate floor by Dix Hills residents Michael Schulman and Linda Beigel Schulman whose son Scott Beigel was killed while protecting his students during last year’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.

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