More State Funding Sought for Seniors’ Needs, Tobacco Control in Budget [Examiner]

Shelley B. Mayer

Originally published in The Examiner News

Westchester’s state Senate delegation listened to two hours of comments on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed 2019-20 executive budget at the Greenburgh Public Library.  

Abe-Baker Butler, a 16-year-old high school student who is vice president of the Westchester County Youth Board and Director of the Legislative Advocacy and Expansion for Students Against Nicotine, also called for more resources to combat teen cigarette and e-cigarette use.

Sen. Shelley Mayer announced to a packed meeting room at the start that two hours would be devoted to public comments, which limited the number of speakers. State lawmakers are expected to vote on the 2019-20 budget by the Mar. 31 deadline.