Bravo! State Senator Montgomery Firmly Against Gowanus Rezoning Before Environmental Clean-Up
Thank YOU, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, for categorically saying "NO" to the proposed Gowanus area upzoning!
A letter from May 24, 2019 from Montgomery to New York City's Department Of City Planning was distributed to members of the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group last night. It states:
"I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed re-zoning of the community surrounding the Gowanus Canal prior to the completion of the superfund remediation. After decades of uncertainty, there is finally a plan in place to perform desperately needed environmental remediation of a famously polluted site. Cleaning up the canal and working to handle the continuing problem of combined sewer overflow (CSO) pouring into the canal after each major rainfall or snowmelt is of paramount importance."
She concludes:
"I stand firm in my position that this rezoning must be put on hold until a genuine environmental cleanup can take place. We need to improve the quality of life in the Gowanus community before we add thousands of housing units and people to an already overburdened infrastructure system."
To read the full story, visit https://pardonmeforasking.blogspot.com/2019/05/bravo-state-senator-montgomery-firmly.html
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