Senator Myrie Meets Crown Heights Jews

Zellnor Myrie

Originally published in COLLive

An event was held Wednesday night in Crown Heights with the NY State Senator Zellnor Myrie (D).

Hosted at the home of Yaacov Behrman, founder of the Jewish Future Alliance, the meet and greet gave local residents the opportunity to meet with the Senator and express their concerns for the neighborhood.

Myrie praised what he said is “the unity of our district.”

“No other district in this state is as diverse as we are,” he said. “There’s no other district that has put together so many cultures, that not only co-exist but thrive together.”

“We are living in very trying times,” Senator Myrie said. “There’s a lot going on in this world, in this nation, and there’s a lot happening, unfortunately, right here in Brooklyn,” he said. “And we’ve seen, unprecedented in my lifetime, attacks on this community, an increase in gun violence in this community, and we have a responsibility… to stand up and bring unity – not division – but unity.”

Read the full article at COLLive here.