Carlucci, Mosley & Advocates Call For Passage of Bill Requiring Passengers Wear a Seat Belt in the Back Seat
On Tuesday Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester), Assemblyman Walter Mosley (D-Brooklyn), AAA New York State, a backseat crash survivor, and a trauma surgeon appealed to the New York State Legislature to pass legislation (S.4336/A.6163) quickly, requiring passengers buckle up in the back seat. The legislation would also apply to passengers of ride sharing services like Uber and Lift.
“We want to save lives and prevent tragedies,” said bill sponsor Senator David Carlucci. “No matter where you sit in a vehicle, let’s make it habit to buckle up. The injuries you could sustain from not wearing a seat belt could be life altering as we so bravely heard from Laura Casellini. Thank you to the advocates, including AAA, for their support of this legislation and to Assemblymember Mosley for working diligently with me to get this bill signed into law.”