New York voters have turned against bail reform, new poll says

Today’s Siena poll confirms what we’ve known all along, namely that the state’s controversial new bail reform law is a disaster.
Enacted solely by Democrats and strongly opposed by Senate Republicans, district attorneys, and law enforcement professionals throughout the state, this shortsighted law has mandated the release of thousands of criminals back onto our streets and into our communities. Many of these perpetrators have committed serious crimes or were repeat offenders, yet they were all set free to commit more crimes against law-abiding New Yorkers.
The number one priority of any government at any level is to keep its citizens safe. By creating this new bail reform law, Democrats have failed that test miserably.
Now is not the time for small tweaks or minor changes to this new law. Democrats should admit they made a grave mistake and swiftly join us in repealing bail reform now. It’s time to scrap this dangerous and deadly statute before more innocent New Yorkers are abused, assaulted, or killed.
Excerpt from today's New York Post story:
Support for the new law eliminating cash bail for most misdemeanor and some “non-violent” felony crimes has plummeted, and now 49 percent of New York State voters say the new policy is “bad” for New York compared to 37 percent who say it’s “good,” a new poll released Tuesday reveals.
That’s a stark turnaround from last April, when 55 percent of residents backed the law while only 38 percent were opposed, the Siena College survey found.
Opposition to the law has spiked amid stories that career criminals have been let loose to strike again because of the ban on cash bail.
“Certainly, all the attention this new law has gotten across the state has had an impact with voters and it is clear that a sizeable number of New Yorkers, who were optimistic that the new bail law would be good for the state, now believe the law is bad for New York,” Siena pollster Steven Greenberg said.
Please click here to read rest of the New York Post Story on this issue.
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