New York Daily News: Coronavirus economic relief: N.Y. Sen. Gianaris calls for rent suspension

Originally published in New York Daily News

ALBANY — A Queens lawmaker wants to provide some much needed financial relief to New Yorkers impacted by the coronavirus crisis by suspending rent collections for three months.

Sen. Michael Gianaris is proposing a 90-day rent freeze to help abate the economic strain being placed on households and businesses hit the hardest by the pandemic.

“We’re all struggling to react to this as quickly as we can and I agree with the shutdown orders, but the damage that’s resulting to people who aren’t able to pay their rent and are trying to figure out how to live is significant," Gianaris told the Daily News on Thursday.

The suspension would apply to residential and commercial tenants who would have 90 days of rent forgiven if they lose work or are forced to close due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Earlier this week, the state suspended eviction proceedings across the state for the foreseeable future and Gov. Cuomo announced a 90-day freeze on mortgage payments and foreclosures for those facing financial hardship.

Gianaris applauded the governor’s actions and handling of the epidemic and said while he’s preparing legislation to enact the rent suspension, he would welcome an executive order from Cuomo.

“Given the nature of things, through whatever means necessary, I would support getting it done,” he said.

Tenant advocates calling for a statewide rent freeze launched an online petition earlier in the week that has garnered more than 15,000 signature as of Thursday evening.

Cea Weaver, the campaign coordinator with Housing Justice for All, a coalition of advocacy groups behind the petition, said a rent freeze is essential to keep people in their homes when so many businesses are shuttered.

“I think it’s critical that people take into account that over half the state rents,” Weaver told The News. "In this moment right now, we need immediate relief that people can get urgently and it needs to come in the form of not having to pay rent.”

Advocates are also calling for full rent forgiveness for the duration of the crisis so landlords can’t demand back payment or evict tenants a few months down the road.

Gianaris’ fellow Queens progressive, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also voiced support Thursday for such a measure.

“Now that New York State has issued a MORTGAGE moratorium, we must also enact a RENT moratorium to prevent mass displacement,” she tweeted. “Relief and protection from displacement shouldn’t just be for homeowners and the wealthy. It should be for everyone.”

Read the full story at the New York Daily News here