Insurance coming to airport workers

Alessandra Biaggi

Originally published in The Riverdale Press

“Long before COVID, mostly Black, brown and immigrant airport workers have served this state on the front lines without access to the health care they need to keep themselves and their families safe,” Biaggi said, in a release. “With the signing of my bill to enact the Healthy Terminals Act, these essential workers will finally have access to affordable health care coverage.”

Biaggi dedicated the new law to Leland Jordan, a baggage handler at JFK who was one of the first airport workers to die from complications associated with COVID-19.

“We will never be able to erase the pain of losing Leland and other beloved New Yorkers,” Biaggi said, “but in their memory, I am proud to say that we are building a better future for their colleagues with this bill finally written into law.”