Reader's View: Proposed gas tax hike means more pain at the pump

Sen. Daphne Jordan

If you’ve recently filled up your vehicle’s gas tank, then you’re already well aware that gas prices have been steadily rising to rates not seen for several years.

The increased gas prices expected throughout this summer could have a direct, negative impact on family budgets and significantly drive up operating costs for vehicle-dependent businesses and the price of everyday essentials.

Gas prices could climb to the highest prices in seven years

According to, 2021 summer road trips may come with a steep price tag rising to rates not seen since Memorial Day 2014, when the price of a gallon of gas reached $3.66. This is important because GasBuddy’s Annual Summer Travel Survey found that 57 percent of Americans plan to take at least one road trip this summer, up from 31 percent in 2020, as more of our economy opens up and life finally gets back to normal.

GasBuddy forecasted $2.98 per gallon as the national average price of gasoline by Memorial Day 2021, constituting a $1.02 increase over the holiday weekend last year.

The ongoing reopening of our economy and, with it, the increased demand for, and usage of, gasoline, has a role in rising gas prices. In addition, a recent cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline – which delivers 45 percent of the gasoline supply to the Southeast United States – resulted in the pipeline’s six-day shutdown, drove panic buying, and fuel shortages in many states as the pipeline was offline, driving up gas prices nationwide.

55 cent per gallon gas tax hike will hurt motorists

Along with the aforementioned factors driving gas prices to seven-year highs, there is legislation pending in Albany that would further add to these burdens, resulting in gas prices continuing to increase across the summer and beyond.

The radical legislation is Senate Bill S.4264A, which would add a 55 cent-per-gallon tax on New Yorkers at the pump. This misguided measure also would increase the cost of home heating fuel and natural gas by up to a whopping 25 percent. These proposed tax hikes would come at the very time our economy and so many small businesses and families are trying to recover from Cuomo’s COVID closures and resulting statewide economic downturn.

NY would have the nation’s highest gas taxes

If their latest 55 cent-per-gallon tax hike scheme becomes law, New York would have the highest gas taxes in the nation at nearly $1 per gallon, which is more than California where motorists pay approximately 63-cents per gallon in taxes.

Under the Democrat’s plan, filling up a 20-gallon tank would result in paying $20 in taxes every time! That’s unfair, unwise, and unsustainable. The Democrats’ latest tax hike scheme would mean higher taxes for us – and more money for them to spend on big government socialism.

Furthermore, the Democrats’ gas tax hike would mean that just about everything would cost more: groceries, farm goods, household essentials, eating at restaurants, everything we buy will be MORE expensive due to higher transportation costs in getting goods to market.

I strongly OPPOSE this effort advanced by the Senate Democratic Majority to raise taxes on gasoline, home heating fuel, and natural gas. Higher taxes on working New Yorkers and small businesses are never the answer, especially given the more than $3.1 billion in destructive tax hikes that were already part of the 2021-22 State Budget, which I opposed.

The Democrats’ gas tax hike legislation could send New York’s already fragile economy into a tailspin and must be defeated if we’re ever going to see a true economic recovery, help families, and support small businesses in getting back on track to reopen, and remain open.

Make your voice heard: Sign my online petition

I’m leading the fight against the Senate Democrats’ proposed 55-cent gas tax increase. If you’d like to join this important battle and add your name to my Senate online petition in opposition to the Democrats’ scheme, visit my Senate website located at I’d be honored to have your support!

Contact and connect with me

If I can help, call me at (518) 371-2751, e-mail me at, visit my Senate webpage, contact my district office at 1580 Columbia Turnpike Building 2, Suite 1, Castleton-On-The-Hudson, NY 12033, or connect with me on Facebook (Senator Daphne Jordan), Instagram (Senator_Jordan), and Twitter (NY Senator Jordan).

NYS Senator Daphne Jordan serves as the Ranking Minority Member on the Senate Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee and represents the 43rd Senate District that includes parts of Rensselaer, Saratoga and Washington counties and all of Columbia County.