Brooklyn State Senator Asks White House for Help With Citywide Budget Cuts

Iwen Chu

Originally published in BK Reader on .
Sen Chu White House visit

"The need for the federal government to step up is real," State Sen. Iwen Chu, who represents parts of southern Brooklyn, said.

State Sen. Iwen Chu attended a White House forum last Thursday where she discussed and showcased community development opportunities for New Yorkers, her office said.

Elected representatives, community leaders, and senior Biden Administration officials attended the invite-only "Communities in Action: Building a Better New York" on Thursday. 

Chu, a representative of Sunset Park, Bensonhurst, Kensington, Dyker Heights, Bath Beach and Bay Ridge, raised the issues of gun violence, rising healthcare costs, outdated lead pipe infrastructure, the migrant crisis, SNAP fraud cases and assistance for flood victims among other pressing issues affecting the residents. 

She further emphasized the importance of collaboration between the federal government and New York State to ensure an improved quality of life for southern Brooklyn communities and New Yorkers. 

The need for the federal government to step up is real. Our communities cannot afford budget cuts to education, resiliency efforts, public safety, sanitation and more. I look forward to continued conversation and collaboration on the needs of southern Brooklyn communities," she said.

The Biden-Harris administration highlighted the investments in New York State that are products of the Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark law signed by President Biden in August last year. 

The law aims to curb inflation by reducing the government budget deficit and investing in domestic energy production while promoting clean energy.

Chu commended the Biden-Harris administration for facilitating discussions about everyday, real-life problems affecting New Yorkers. 

Families and working communities across the State are feeling the burden of rising cost of living and healthcare costs while dealing with the brunt of outdated infrastructure. I thank the Biden-Harris administration for the invitation to discuss the real-life experiences of my constituents and the urgent need for government action," said Chu.