Đeka attended the Albanian National Flag Day in New York

By Ne. V.

Originally published in Vijesti: Đeka attended the Albanian National Flag Day in New York on .
photo: Ministry of Human and Minority Rights

The final manifestation at City Hall in New York was held on November 28, where Đeka attended the ceremony and awarding of recognition of religious leaders of Albanian origin, for their contribution to interfaith understanding.

The Minister of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro, Fatmir Đeka, at the invitation of the New York City Council, attended the commemoration of the Albanian National Flag Day, which is traditionally held every year on November 28.

"Also, on November 27, the minister held a meeting with the representative of the New York State Senate for district 23, Jessica Scarcella Spanton, with whom he discussed the challenges that Montenegro faces in the field of protecting human rights and freedoms, and on that occasion the minister was presented with a certificate of appreciation for contributing to the community, and preserving and respecting the rights of minority peoples in Montenegro, as well as maintaining close ties with the diaspora," the announcement reads.

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