Mannion's proposed legislation aims to help volunteer firefighters
A New York State senator is pushing to protect volunteer fire fighters from out-of-pocket legal expenses and debt related to injuries in the line of duty.
Sen. John Mannion is proposing a legislative package that aims to help volunteer firefighters and their families focus on healing, rather than worrying about financial burdens and long legal battles, according to a news release.
Mannion said his legislation intends to relieve financial stress for volunteer firefighters by allowing them to recover legal fees, without having to pay a percentage of their compensation award. He also said volunteer fire fighters should not have to wait long periods of time for the compensation they deserve following an injury in the line of duty.
"Volunteer firefighters put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities," Mannion said. "They should not have to wait months or years for the compensation they deserve following an injury in the line of duty."
President of the Marcellus Fire Department, Mark Delasin said he is appreciative of Mannion's efforts to protect volunteer fire fighters.
"I commend Sen. Mannion for his continued advocacy for volunteer fire departments," Delasin said. "As we continue to address historic recruiting challenges, his legislation will bring peace of mind to new members who are concerned what an on-duty injury may mean for themselves and their families.”
The legislation has received broad support from fire fighter organizations across the state, according to the news release.