Bill to provide death benefit to family of late Officer Anthony Varvaro passes Senate

Erik Bascome

Originally published in Staten Island Advance on .

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- The family of a beloved Staten Islander taken from his community far too soon is one step closer to receiving an accidental death benefit that had initially been denied by New York state.

On Thursday, State Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton announced that the State Senate has passed a bill to permit an accidental death benefit to the family of fallen Port Authority police officer, former Major League Baseball pitcher and Staten Island native Anthony M. Varvaro, who tragically lost his life in a 2022 car crash.

“Anthony Varvaro was more than an officer or a baseball player; he was a dedicated member of the Staten Island community who spent his entire life serving others. His tragic death continues to impact his family, friends, and everyone he touched. This legislation ensures that his family is taken care of and honors his service and sacrifice,” said Scarcella-Spanton.

Read the full article here.