NYS Senate passes ‘Honor and Remember Flag’ legislation

Originally published in The Oneida Daily Dispatch on .

ALBANY, N.Y. — At the urging of Griffo and Oberacker and in response to a request from the Chenango County Board of Supervisors, the bill was introduced by Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, D-Staten Island, and chair of the Senate’s Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee.

The “Honor and Remember Flag” was conceived by George Lutz, the father of George Anthony Lutz II, who was killed by a sniper’s bullet while he was on patrol in Iraq on December 29, 2005.

Lutz searched for a symbol that acknowledges the service men and women who died while in service. However, he could not find one and decided to create a flag that would be universally recognizable. Since then, the flag has been adopted by multiple states as the official flag that recognizes military members who have given their lives in the line of duty.

Read the full article here.