These new state laws take effect in New York this March

Erik Bascome

Originally published in Staten Island Advance on .

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Several new state laws are set to take effect in New York this month, including one sponsored by a Staten Island legislator.

Rights of crime victims

A new law, sponsored by State Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (D-North Shore/South Brooklyn), will require judges and district attorneys to provide victims of crimes with an informational sheet explaining their rights if the perpetrator of said crime is convicted and sentenced to state prison.

The informational sheet will encourage victims or their surviving family members to register with the state’s Office of Victim Assistance.

Those registered with the Office of Victim Assistance can request notification if the offender is released from prison or has a meeting with the New York State Parole Board.

Victims and their family members will also be able to provide or update a victim impact statement to the Parole Board.

“Victims of violent crimes are often not made aware of their rights following the conviction of their offender. This bill seeks to correct that inadequacy,” according to the State Senate website.


Read the full article here.