Klein Promotes Morris Park Beautification With Assemblywoman Rivera And Councilman Vacca

Garden with a new welcome sign.
“This is a wonderful example of a public community partnership” said Senator Klein. “The residents of this community turned a vacant lot into a beautiful garden where our seniors can relax and enjoy the great outdoors.” Klein concluded.
Garden is truly the definition of community collaboration. I proudly support their efforts to beautify our neighborhood and look forward to continuing our work together,” said Councilmember Vacca.
Garden was an undeveloped and neglected piece of land. Today it is a beautiful community garden. I am glad to lend my name to a project that will improve the landscape of our community and serve as a resource and meeting place for our seniors,” said Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera.
Garden, along with the Morris Park Community Association. The dedication occured at a BBQ held in honor of Morris Park Seniors, and will help beautify their out-door space.