Grannis and Krueger Announce September 4-11, 2006, as New York State School Crossing Guard Week
New York NY – On Friday, Assemblymember Pete Grannis and State Senator Liz Krueger announced legislation proclaiming September 4-11, 2006, as Crossing Guard Week in the State of New York.
"School crossing guards are a vital and integral part of our educational system," Grannis said. "Crossing guards ensure that children all across the state are able to arrive at and leave school safely."
Krueger announced with great pride that "the school crossing guards of New York State have maintained a perfect record of crossing children to and from school, in all types of weather, during the school year."
Though the week honors all school crossing guards statewide, to celebrate the announcement Grannis and Krueger will be presenting a crossing guard who has spent nearly three decades on a the job, with a copy of the resolution on Friday, September 8th, 2006 at 10AM. The location is the corner of 79th Street and York Ave. near PS 158.
They will be joined by a representative from Local 327, the union which represents the crossing guards of New York's public schools, who will also be presented a copy of the resolution.
"The opening of the school year in the fall is an appropriate time to recognize, commend and salute the school crossing guards of New York State for the dedication and care of our children," Grannis said.
Krueger concluded, "School crossing guards are a welcome and familiar part of a child's day; many know the name of every child who walks through their station, and often their parents or caretakers as well. It is very rewarding for us to stand here today and recognize the work of School Crossing Guards across New York State."