State Senator Liz Krueger Convenes “Mock State Senate”
Local High School Students Participate in Youth Civics Program
Created to Foster Awareness of State Politics
City Hall, NY – Yesterday, State Senator Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) hosted twenty-four students from New York City high schools for the fourth annual mock State Senate session of Democracy 101: Youth Civics Project. The event was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall and was the culmination of a year-long civics program designed to introduce students to state government and the legislative process. Each student was appointed to represent a State Senator, and was briefed on actual legislation, which they debated and voted on during the Mock Senate.
“Democracy 101 proved to me that young people are interested in the political process,” stated Senator Krueger. “The debate was energetic and spirited, and every student left the session with a better idea of how state government affects their lives. The next step is to keep these students involved by emphasizing participation in elections and in community building activities. It is essential to the future of democracy that we instill this excitement and enthusiasm to the youth of our community.”