Senator Johnson Announces 21st Annual Beach Cleanup

Owen H. Johnson

August 17, 2006

Babylon, New York, August 18, 2006 -- State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon), Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Long Island Marine District, today announced that his annual beach cleanup in conjunction with International Coastal Cleanup Day will be held this year on Saturday, September 16th, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Robert Moses State Park, Field #2. A rain date is scheduled for Sunday, September 17th at the same time.

Senator Johnson’s Beach Cleanup has grown from a handful of volunteers when it first began to more than 200 volunteers today. The cleanup gets bigger and better every year. Last year, results showed that volunteers removed more than 800 pounds of debris from five miles of the Robert Moses State Park shoreline.

"It is wonderful to see year after year, individuals working together to help make our beaches a cleaner place to visit," said Senator Johnson. "Beach cleanup is an important day that helps raise awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean. By participating in beach cleanup, volunteers are teaching future generations that everyone can make a difference by lending a hand and making good choices that inevitably lead to a cleaner more environmentally friendly world."

Senator Johnson said that the data collected at the beach cleanup will be compiled by the American Littoral Society and sent to the Ocean Conservancy in Washington, D.C., where it will be analyzed and compared with data from around the world. The information is ultimately used to develop national and international programs to control debris.

This year's beach cleanup is being cosponsored by the Long Island Beach Buggy Association (L.I.B.B.A.). Coca-Cola has agreed to donate refreshments for volunteers. Local environmental groups, sportsmen's associations and scout troops from the area are expected to participate as well.

Individuals or groups interested in volunteering for the 2006 Beach Cleanup may contact Senator Johnson's office at (631) 669-9200 to sign up. While advance registration is not necessary, it is appreciated for larger groups. All beach cleanup participants are strongly encouraged to bring gloves, wear comfortable walking shoes and remember to apply sunscreen.