Senator Johnson Improves Edgewood Preserve

Owen H. Johnson

October 2, 2006

State Capitol, Albany, New York, October 3, 2006 -- State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon), Chairman of the Finance Committee, recently presented Peter Scully, Regional Director of the New York State DEC-Region 1, with a state grant in the amount of $350,000 to support the Edgewood Preserve Project. The Senator presented the grant at the First Edgewood Preserve Task Force meeting, which was held at the Deer Park Fire Station.

The new money Senator Johnson secured will be used for restoration and improvements at the Preserve, including but not limited to the development of a new parking area which will be secured with a steel guiderail at the main entrance; replacements of existing gates and fencing; and regrading and revegetating of disturbed areas.

In 1987, Senator Johnson introduced legislation creating the 850-acre Preserve in an effort to protect the Oak Brush Plain acreage, which is a vital groundwater recharge area, from development. The establishment of the Preserve has also enabled the public to enjoy this land for passive recreation. He has been a great supporter of the Edgewood Preserve by lending a helping hand in the preserve cleanup and trail expansion efforts.

"Maintaining and improving the existing preserve is very important to our community," said Senator Johnson. "By protecting this land, we are helping to protect groundwater supplies and preserve a natural habitat that will be available for future generations to enjoy."