Senator Johnson Presents Grant To Suffolk County High School Ice Hockey League

Owen H. Johnson

January 12, 2006

State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon), Chairman of the Finance Committee, recently attended the Suffolk County High School Ice Hockey League’s 4th Annual All Star Game at the Rinx in Hauppauge where he presented the league with a check for $3,000. Senator Johnson secured the state funding to help support the league’s programs. The Suffolk County High School Ice Hockey League, which has over 850 players from 22 school districts throughout the County, has been helping to teach the fundamentals of ice hockey and has allowed young players to improve their ice hockey skills for more than 30 years. Pictured, from left to right, are: Vytra Team Captain Brian McCormack; Vytra Team Head Coach Mike Zguris; Senator Johnson; Suffolk County High School Ice Hockey League Vice President Rich Simone; and Briarcliffe College Team Captain Mike Brescia.