Senator Larkin Announces Grant For Town Of Chester

William J. Larkin Jr.

September 5, 2006

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced a $45,000 grant for the Town of Chester that will improve the efficiency of the Town’s government services to residents and businesses.

Under the new Shared Municipal Services Incentives (SMSI) Grant

Program, the State offers financial support for programs such as municipal

consolidations, mergers, cooperative agreements, dissolutions, or other

shared services endeavors.

"I am pleased that the state has recognized Chester’s proposals for better, more efficient means of delivering local services," said Senator Larkin. "I wholeheartedly support this initiative in Chester and throughout the Hudson Valley as we continue to look for ways to enhance the services we provide while holding the line on taxes for our residents."

According to the proposal, the Town and Village of Chester will develop a Shared Services Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan to research, identify and review the municipal services provided by each of the two governmental entities. An analysis will be completed describing areas where combining either space, services, departments or employees would result in cost savings for either the Town, the Village or both and also improve the quality and amount of services. One aspect of the study will include the consideration of consolidating town and village police departments.