County And State Officials Join In Effort To Get Albany To Act On Important Teen Safety Bills

WHITE PLAINS, NY-With the state Legislature heading toward a summer recess, Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) joined together with Westchester District Attorney Janet DiFiore, Senator Vincent Leibell, and Assembly members Sandra Galef and George Latimer to push for passage of four important bills designed to deter underage drinking and to make sure new teen drivers are better trained.
protect and save the lives of our inexperienced drivers, their passengers, and those innocent bystanders who are often hurt or killed by young and newly licensed drivers. Almost every day we hear of a new tragedy where a young life was taken or another family was torn apart due to car accidents that, had the driver been more experienced, may have been avoided.”
- S.4699 (Leibell) / A. 2994 (Latimer) –The bill would requires that judges suspend driver’s licenses of anyone under the age of 21 who, even as a passenger, is found to be in possession of alcohol in a motor vehicle with intent to consume it. For a first-time offense, the suspension would be three months; for a second violation within 18 months, six months; and for a third-offense, one year or until the individual reaches the age of 21. If the person does not yet have a driver’s license, provisions would mandate that he not be eligible to get the license until the sentence expires.