Klein Throws His Support Behind The Courts

Jeffrey D. Klein

January 30, 2007

Westchester Square open.

“The terms under which the Berger Commission was assembled are authoritarian and should be illegal. The Commission completely circumvented our system of democracy and I will not stand silent as vital resources like Westchester Square Medical Center are ignored. We need more such hospitals, not fewer. Judge Brigatti-Hughs preliminary injunction re-enforces my confidence that Westchester Square will remain open,” the Senator said.

In his avadavat Senator Klein reiterated that: “The loss of this hospital (Westchester Square Medical Center) would be a threat to the health of our community and a disruption of vital bonds between patients and their care givers.”

The Berger Commission was created by Section 31, Part K, Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2005 which did not require the legislature’s approval of Berger Commission recommendations in order for those recommendations to have the force of law. The Legislature was given no option but to uniformly reject the recommendations within thirty days to prevent them from passing.

When the Berger commission released its report in November, 2006 Senator Klein convened with his colleagues to advocate against the closure of New York’s Westchester Square Medical Center and for a merger with New York Presbyterian Hospital. Joined by Assemblymen Jose Rivera, Naomi Rivera, Carl Heastie, Michael Benedetto, and Ruben Diaz, Jr., Klein urged then Governor Pataki and members of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century, to fully consider the public health and economic ramifications of closing the community medical center.