Klein Tours Accident Site With Dot

BRONX, NY, June 8th-Disturbed by the recent accidental death of a 21 year old Ferry Point resident at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue and the Hutchinson Parkway, Senator Klein brought together members of the community and the United States PostalService for a site visit with the Bronx Borough Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, Ms. Constance Moran and the Borough Engineer, Mr. William Lee.
The community has long considered the intersection hazardous, and expressed its concern regarding an out of sync light that can cause drivers to mistake a go signal for a stop signal. Commissioner Moran listened sympathetically as JoAnne Sohmers, President of the Ferry Point Civic Association, told of the lack of parking options for USPS trucks and the persistant sound of engines that pervades the neighborhood. While the USPS and Senator Klein sought to broker alternative parking options, DOT proposed changing the timing on the lights to decrease confusion.
"We are here todayas a community to workwith our partners at DOTand make our streets a safer place.It's unfortunate that we have to meet under these circumstancs but I'm glad that all parties were able to come together so thatwe can prevent future tragedies," said Senator Klein.