**Media Advisory**

Malcolm A. Smith

November 25, 2007

New York State Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith will host the State and City Department of Aging agencies to address pertinent issues affecting the older adult population within Southeast Queens. Several topics scheduled to be discussed include: Medicare D and the newly launched Home Energy Assistance Program. There will be a questions and answer session immediately following the presentation.

CO-SPONSORS:Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, Senator Shirley Huntley,
Assembly Members William Scarborough, Vivian Cook,
Barbara Clark, Audrey I. Pheffer, Michele Titus, and
Council Members Leroy Comrie, Thomas White, Jr.

WHO:NYS Office for the Aging Deputy Director Greg Olsen
and NYC Department for the Aging Queens Director of
Community Outreach Darnley Jones

WHEN: Tuesday, November 27, 2007

WHERE: Allen AME Church Community Senior Center
166-01 Linden Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11434

The Press is encouraged to attend.