Senator Johnson Bestows Liberty Medal On Captain Al Cinotti Of West Islip

Owen H. Johnson

May 31, 2007

State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon), Chairman of the Finance Committee, recently bestowed the New York State Senate Liberty Medal -- the highest honor the State Senate of New York bestows upon a citizen -- on Captain Al Cinotti of West Islip. The Senator honored Cinotti for his heroism in saving a man from a burning building last year on Higbie Lane while he was off duty.

While driving home one evening, Cinotti noticed smoke coming from a single family home. Using his portable radio, then-Lieutenant Cinotti notified fire headquarters that he was going to attempt to make entry into the building. He then forced open the front door and was immediately driven to the floor by heavy smoke and intense heat conditions. Without regard for his own personal safety,  Cinotti entered the living room and began crawling on his stomach and calling out to anyone inside. Hearing a faint moan, he advanced deeper into the structure and encountered fire rolling above him and heavy fire pushing from the kitchen entrance. He soon located a semiconscious victim in a slumped position on the floor and was able to drag the victim to safety through the rapidly deteriorating conditions. The victim survived the fire and is very grateful for Captain Cinotti rescuing him.

Cinotti, a member of the West Islip Fire Department, was named the Firefighter of the Year by the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York and the Southern New York Volunteer Firemen's Association.
Senator Johnson additionally honored Cinotti with a New York State Legislative Resolutuion.  He  is pictured presenting Cinotti with a New York State Legislative Resolution.