Governor Pulls Driver’s License Plan

William J. Larkin Jr.

November 13, 2007


Finally acknowledging the people of this state who said he was wrong, Governor Spitzer has completely reversed his position and given up his plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

In yet another move that is symptomatic of his abrasive governing style, the Governor arrogantly crafted this ill-conceived plan behind closed doors and in secret, without consulting the Legislature or county clerks who would be responsible for its implementation. And now many New Yorkers are voicing their desire for new Executive leadership.

Despite an uprising from average citizens and elected officials at every level -- local, state and federal -- the Governor, for months now, has insisted upon forcing this plan on New Yorkers. Ultimately, it took an uprising from within his own party to force him to back down today.

As we have said from day one, this plan posed a serious danger to public safety and security, was overly expensive to taxpayers, and its implementation would have been a bureaucratic nightmare.

By reversing course, the Governor also realized that the Senate Majority was never going to compromise and allow him to just give valid New York State driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. My Senate Majority colleagues and I had vowed to block this initiative by refusing to fund it in the upcoming Budget.

Although the Governor has finally pulled his ill-advised plan off the table, we will continue to proceed with legislative remedies to ensure that he can’t ever breathe new life into his plan and that it won’t ever become law in New York State.