Larkin Bill To Allow Transfer Of Funds Within The Village Of Washingtonville Passes Senate

William J. Larkin Jr.

June 11, 2007

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced that legislation he sponsored (S.4968) to allow the Village of Washingtonville to perform an internal transfer of surplus funds has passed the State Senate.

The Village of Washingtonville is currently holding surplus funds in the amount of $111,000 that were raised for the construction of a senior citizen development project called HUB-I. The project was completed in 1990.

Senator Larkin said, "Since this funding is no longer needed for construction purposes, and the building is complete, this bill authorizes the Village of Washingtonville to transfer these surplus funds to a dedicated village fund that can be used for any repairs and upgrades to this senior citizen housing complex. The measure will help the Village make more efficient use of its finances."

The bill was requested by Village of Washingtonville officials. It was sent to the Assembly.