Senator Larkin Announces $20,000 State Grant For City Of Newburgh Senior Services

William J. Larkin Jr.

August 15, 2007

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced he has successfully secured state funding for a special project to assist seniors in the City of Newburgh.

A $20,000 grant will help the City of Newburgh identify the needs and gaps in services for seniors. Funding will also be used to develop a senior services network comprised of business and community leaders, non-profit organizations, health care providers, local government agencies, senior community organizations and faith-based groups who have a commitment to serving seniors. The grant will also allow the City to create a Senior Services Resource Guide.

"I am very pleased to have the opportunity to support this worthy project with state funding," said Senator Larkin. "City officials are working hard so that seniors can have easy access to the services they need. Programs such as this will truly make a difference in the quality of life we hope to provide for our older adults today and well into the future."

Joe Butwell, President of Club 60, a local organization working with City officials to administer programs for seniors, commented, "Seniors account for almost 10% of the population of our community, and it is very important that our needs be identified and addressed. This funding will make a difference in improving the quality of life for our local seniors."

Mayor Nicholas Valentine added, "I would like to thank Senator Larkin for his efforts to acquire this funding that will help us better serve our senior citizens. Our seniors are very important to the community, as well as a valuable resource to our young people because of their life experience. We are very pleased to have the means to not only assess the gaps in services to our seniors, but to work with them to develop a plan to address their needs."