Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today announced highlights of the final 2007-08 state budget:
$1.3 billion in direct property tax rebate checks - most of the checks will be double the size of last year’s. The Governor’s budget eliminated property tax rebate checks. "The Senate fought not only to keep them, but to increase direct property tax relief to homeowners especially to middle class families," said Senator Larkin.
A school aid increase of $1.8 billion, the largest school aid increase in State history, that is distributed fairly and equitably throughout the State.
Restoration of almost $400 million in proposed cuts to hospitals and nursing homes; with federal funds about two-thirds of the proposed health care cuts will be restored.
Important reforms to fight Medicaid fraud and crack down Medicaid thieves.
Expands the Child Health Plus program to cover 400,000 uninsured children, and simplifies enrollment to help uninsured adults and children get health care coverage.
$600 million ($100 million annually for 6 years) for emerging technologies and stem cell research.
$150 million in business tax cuts -- growing to $300 million -- in targeting corporations and manufacturers.
Rejection of $600 to $700 million in proposed tax and fee increases.
$300 million for a nanotechnology initiative to attract cutting edge economic development.
A new assistance plan for struggling dairy farmers - up to $30 million.
$5 million for a plan to expand access to Internet broadband.
The budget does NOT include an expansion of the bottle bill which would have increased consumers’ grocery bills by $100 million.