Senate Passes Padavan's "Career Criminal Crackdown" Bill

Frank Padavan

April 14, 2008

New York State Senator Frank Padavan (Queens) announced today the state Senate has once again passed his ‘Career Criminal’ legislation with significant bipartisan support. This is the fourth consecutive legislative session the measure aimed at keeping our streets safe from repeat criminal offenders has passed in the state Senate. 

“Far too often, we are confronted with cases all over the state and here in the city where chronic criminals continue to plague our streets,” Padavan said. “This criminal justice measure is a common sense solution that will help combat crime in our communities. Under this legislation courts and law enforcement officials would have another tool they need in the fight against crime by being able to impose felony criminal penalties on persistent misdemeanor offenders.”

Padavan’s ‘Career Criminal’ bill (S.1600)  establishes the new crime of aggravated criminal conduct and strengthens the state Penal Law to mandate that any person who commits three or more Class A misdemeanors or felonies within a ten year period be punished as a Class E felon and face up to four years in state prison. Class A misdemeanors include criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, assault in the third degree, criminal mischief in the fourth degree and resisting arrest.

“While we have been successful in reducing crime throughout the state and city to historic lows, many repeat offenders with wrap sheets a mile long continue to commit their crimes,” Padavan said. “We must continue to send a strong message to every criminal who makes a career of their crimes that you will be spending a longer time in state prison.”

 With passage in the state Senate secured the bill now awaits action in the state Assembly where it stands in the Codes committee. The legislation (A.7759) is sponsored in the state Assembly by Assemblyman Gary Pretlow (D-Westchester).

 “It’s long overdue for the Assembly Majority to join the Senate and end their stonewalling on this important criminal justice measure by immediately advancing it out of committee and to the floor for a full vote,” Padavan said. “This legislation is far too important to the safety and security of all New Yorkers to be stalled for another year in the state Assembly.”