Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith Statement On New York State Commission On Property Tax Relief Preliminary Report Of Findings And Recommendations:

Malcolm A. Smith

June 2, 2008

"First, I would like to commend Governor David Paterson, Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi, and the NYS Commission on Property Tax Relief, for their continued dedication to provide relief for residents and businesses throughout the state. In partnership with the legislative body, I will continue to serve as a proponent of property tax relief for the residents and business owners throughout the state. The Senate Democratic Conference will look closely at the key recommendations, including the levy cap and tax circuit breakers. We Senate Democrats will keep those recommendations in mind as we shape new legislation to provide property tax relief to the states' families and businesses struggling under the weight of  property tax bills. This is One New York and we need to continue to work together to ensure that our working families can afford to live, grow and prosper. "