Senator Smith Announces Correction Officer Exam

Malcolm A. Smith

January 28, 2008

State Senator Malcolm A. Smith (D-Queens) today announced a new round of testing by the state Department of Correctional Services as part of their effort to recruit new correction officers.

“Correction officers often do their jobs in anonymity, behind the walls of our state prisons and correctional facilities, but their work is critically important,” said Senator Smith. “It’s a job that not everyone can do. But for those who qualify, it is a job that can be professionally and financially rewarding.”

New recruits entering the year-long training process will earn an annual salary of $34,329, with a boost to $36,111 per year after the first six months. After successfully completing training, correction officers will receive another increase, to $41,348 per year. Candidates must be at least 21 years of age or older on or before the date of their appointment.

The test is scheduled for Saturday, April 12. All applications, which include a $30 filing fee, must be postmarked no later than Monday, February 25.

Application forms and further information on the position can be accessed on the Department of Corrections website at Exam packets are also available at all Department of Labor offices and all New York State correctional facilities.

“I encourage my constituents to consider a career as a correction officer,” said Senator Smith. “This is your chance to secure a job that brings pride, respect, and the opportunity to make a difference in the correctional system.”