Statement From Sen. Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith On Delaware North Aqueduct Deal

Malcolm A. Smith

October 22, 2008

Statement from State Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith:

"After two weeks of New Yorkers from across the State raising their voices in support of Governor Paterson's plan to secure $370 million and thousands of good jobs for our State, Senator Skelos and his Republican colleagues at last saw the wisdom of awarding Buffalo-based Delaware North, a crucial development project for Queens.  Better late than never.  Unfortunately, Senator Skelos' foot-dragging has already cost the State $13 million in VLT revenue that will never be recaptured.  But thanks to the leadership of Governor Paterson, Speaker Sheldon Silver, and members of my conference, especially Senator Bill Stachowski, who lead this fight on their behalf, New Yorkers from Upstate and Downstate can today celebrate a major economic boost just when we need it most."