Statement From Senator Malcolm A. Smith Regarding Today's Siena Poll

Malcolm A. Smith

November 16, 2008

"The latest Siena Poll reveals what we have known for a while: New York families are hurting, especially middle-income families, and are looking to their elected representatives to provide relief.

Voters overwhelmingly want us to hold the line on new taxes and to cut wasteful spending  -- the cornerstones of Senate Democratic Conference agenda.  Last year, we introduced a package of economic reforms that would create and protect jobs through smart economic development,
cut taxes and reduce the growth of property taxes.

These tough economic times call for bold measures and courageous leadership.  We look forward to working with President-Elect Obama and the new Congress to ensure that New York is given every available tool to aid our economic recovery. And, of course, we will continue to work with Governor Paterson, Speaker Silver and our legislative leaders here to get New York back on track."