Senator Johnson Honors Chief Cromarty

Owen H. Johnson

March 31, 2008

 State Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon), Chairman of the Finance Committee, recently honored retired Chief Woodrow Cromarty II for his 32 years of distinguished service to the Amityville Police Department.

Chief Cromarty joined the Amityville Police Department as a police officer in 1975 and rose through the ranks of Detective, Sergeant and Lieutenant before being named Chief in 1996.

While Chief of the Department , Cromarty served on the Board of Governors of the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police and, in 2007, was honored with a Shining Star for Distinguished Service by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids in New York.

During his tenure, Chief Cromarty was responsible for implementing many highly successful programs including: Community Oriented Policing; Operation 21; the Cops in Shops and Passing Stopped School Buses Enforcement Programs; and the "Are You OK" program for seniors.

Senator Johnson presented Chief Cromarty with the Legislative Resolution at a retirement party held in his honor at the Irish Coffee Pub.