Lanza Calls Mta’s Plan to Increase Tolls on Verrazano Bridge ‘Highway Robbery’
I believe the MTA’s fiscal problems are more a result of MTA mismanagement then fiscal downturn. I call on the MTA to get its fiscal house in order. Staten Islanders should not be forced to pay increased fares on express buses that are too few and far between, or increased tolls on the Verrazano Bridge which is being treated as a cash register by the MTA to subsidize free rides for riders and drivers in other parts of the city. The MTA, rather than increasing tolls for Staten Islanders, should instead toll the East River Bridges in order to bring fairness to the system. In fact, no bridge crossing in the city should be tolled at a rate less than that of the Verrazano Bridge in order to keep the MTA honest when it comes to our crossing. Furthermore, Staten Islanders should not be forced to pay increased fares on express bus services when the MTA has continued to fail in its responsibility to provide adequate service.
I will continue to fight the MTA and those politicians who are mistreating Staten Island as a whole, and will vote against any plan which increases the Verrazano Bridge toll and raises express bus fares instead of tolling the East River Bridges.