Senator Thompson Honors The Brave Men And Women Of The Buffalo Police And Fire Departments. Showing our appreciation for the bravery and compassion of our Police and Fire Departments
Antoine M Thompson
September 12, 2009
Buffalo, NY – New York State Senator Antoine M. Thompson (D-Parts of Erie & Niagara Counties) held a commemoration for the men and women of the Buffalo Police and Fire Departments on Friday, September 11, 2009 at 65 Court Street in Buffalo at 3:00 pm.
“It is important to honor and recognize the brave men and women that risk their lives every day for our safety,” said Senator Antoine M. Thompson.
September 11, 2001 is a day that will never be forgotten. Many brave men and women risked and lost their lives to save the people of New York. We are lucky to have such dedicated police officers and firefighters in our community and it is only appropriate that we honor these brave men and women today, September 11th.
The honorees for this ceremony are Police Officer Jose Vega, Police Officer Darrick Ferrell, Police Officer Valerie Stover-Kelly, Detective Lilton Kelley and Police Officer George Fletcher. The honorees from the Fire Department, Engine 37 are Lt. Michael Lynch, Firefighter Gary Schultz, Fire Fighter David Denz and Fire Fighter Robert Carnevale.
"They're civil servants, but they don't get the recognition they deserve," said Senator Thompson. "This is a way to honor them for going above and beyond the call of duty."
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