Little Appointed to Senate Leadership Post

Betty Little

January 21, 2009

Will also serve as ranking Republican on Senate Local Government Committee

    State Senator Betty Little today announced she has been selected to serve as the Chair of the Senate Republican Program Committee, a leadership post responsible for developing legislative initiatives addressing statewide issues.
     "I am pleased to name Senator Little as Chair of the Senate Republican Program Development Committee.  In this capacity, Senator Little will play an important role in developing and advancing the initiatives our Republican conference will be fighting for to improve the lives of taxpayers and families all across this State.  I look forward to working closely with her in this new position," Senate Republican Leader Dean G. Skelos said.

     “I am thankful for this new opportunity to work with my conference on developing a legislative agenda,” said Little.  “It’s a unique chance to travel the State,  to learn more about  issues that I am not very familiar with and to advance proposals that will help families and businesses throughout New York.”

     Little, who served as the Chair of the Local Government Committee, said she will now serve as the ranking minority member.  In addition, she will also serve on the following committees: Crime Victims, Crime and Correction; Education; Environmental Conservation; Energy; Health; and, Tourism, Recreation and Sports Development.
